Curriculum Change for REP Students





Due to recent curriculum changes at Georgia Tech all Perimeter REP students are now required to take MATH 2551 (Multivariate Calculus for Engineers) instead of MATH 2215. If you are enrolled in MATH 2215 in Fall 2021, you must drop the class and enroll in MATH 2551

FAQs regarding this change in the REP curriculum:

  1. If I have already completed MATH 2215, do I have to also take MATH 2551 for transfer through the REP program?

No, you are not required to also take MATH 2551 before transfer. However, MATH 2215 does not transfer to Georgia fully and you will need to retake Calculus III or Multivariate Calculus at Georgia Tech. 

  1. If I have already completed MATH 2215, can I also take MATH 2551 at Perimeter College?

Yes, you may also complete MATH 2551 at Perimeter College so that you do not need to repeat the course at Georgia Tech. If you are having issues with financial aid please contact Dr. Reddivari ( as soon as possible. 

  1. Do I have to take both MATH 2215 and MATH 2551 at Perimeter College? Have the number of required REP courses increased?

No, you do not have to take both MATH 2215 and MATH 2551. The number of required REP courses has not increased, MATH 2215 from the REP curriculum is being replaced with MATH 2551. Starting Fall 2021, all REP students must take MATH 2551.  

  1. I do not intend to transfer to Georgia Tech, do I have to take MATH 2215 or MATH 2551

Speak to your REP advisor to determine the best course for you. 

  1. Why is this change happening now?

At Perimeter we are always reviewing our REP course content to ensure that you will be successful at your transfer institution as well as in your engineering career. The MATH 2215 no longer covers all the topics required for upper-level engineering courses at Georgia Tech, so Perimeter has developed a new course that will appropriately prepare engineering students for upper-level engineering courses. 


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