English 3080

In English 3080, I had many assignments that helped me evaluate my ability to use persuasion in the real world. Completing this assignment helped me to apply rhetoric when pushing my own agenda. In the paper, I discussed the purpose of a self-created organization, the intentions and steps to ensure installation of policies to correct problems in the communities around us. As a rhetorician, I learned that there are people who want answers. Being one of them, I learned detailed explanations help audiences feel more comfortable wit your idea and more likely to agree with your implications of solutions.

We Are One

The “We Are One” Campaign’s purpose is to bring awareness to Atlanta’s black community. We strive to unify African Americans through service and celebration of one another. By unifying, African Americans stand stronger together and are able to learn from each other. We aim to eliminate the social injustices and combat issues in our current state of government. We feel that in order to significantly create change, we must first come together as one community despite color, status, or personal beliefs. Our campaign slogan stand in the belief that we are: “One community, One force, One Voice, We are One”.
“We Are One” has one central audience: The African American community. Throughout history, legislation and educational rulings have not always fallen in favor of the African American community. One of the most important events was the “Atlanta Race Riots of 1906”. In this riot, hundreds of white Americans in mobs terrorized and killed African Americans in the Atlanta community. This event sparked change among African Americans. In 1909, African American activists came together for greater causes to form the NAACP. The NAACP publicized the evils of Jim Crow, and stood by laws prohibiting anti-lynching laws. Their efforts promoted the unison of races and resulted in major changes for the African American community.
The term “black on black crime” raises eyebrows in the community. This is a very uncomfortable topic to discuss especially in the African American community. Our campaign’s objective is to decrease the guns in the African American community and the Wild Wild West mentality. We Are One’s objective is to also increase the literacy of the youth in the community since the graduation rate as well a reading level of African Americans are drastically lower than any other community. We Are One plans to implement these ideas by holding events in the Atlanta community. There will be a gun buyback event to decrease the amount of guns in the community as well as the amount of black on black crime in the Atlanta community. There will be a reading in a local park event held at Grant Park to help increase the literacy level of the youth in the African American community, and inspire the youth to read more as well as increase graduation rates.
As society advances the mediums of communication advance as well. As our target audience is all generations of the black community we felt that the utilization of a multi-modal campaign would be most effective. For this purpose, we utilized both traditional and advanced methods of argument delivery which included: a digital and print newsletter which can be emailed and posted in traditional manner throughout the community, a poster campaign which took place in person and can be viewed digitally online where members of the community can continue to submit visuals of their own creation, and a website that will allow those who wish to participate or gain further knowledge access.
In changing for the better, “We Are One” chooses to take a stance to unify within the black community through the celebration and recognition of our triumphs. A group of Georgia State Students came together to encourage unity within the black community through the campaign movement “We Are One.” The movement was birthed in a computer lab in GSU’s very own urban life building where four black millennial college students decided to change the tone for the black community and celebrate the unshakable power of unity. The We Are One campaign is a social movement that encourages all members of the black community to arise to the awareness that We Are One. We travel to communities throughout the city and the Georgia State Campus to pass out newsletters representing our movement as well as the poster #WEAREONE campaign. This movement brings light and celebration to the issues that surround the black community while spreading awareness and belief that unity is our power.
“We Are One” uses a passive approach to improve the African American community in all aspects. We offer inspiration through group sessions, conversations, and neighborhood events. Through these events, we aim to motivate the community and give them a sense of encouragement. We enforce images of positivity and do not scrutinize any races or ethnicity for their beliefs. Through unity, we believe change can be made in the African American community, as well as others. Providing encouragement and support can improve our legislation, as well as educational policies to be inclusive of all races.
In conclusion, “We Are One” represents diversity, collaboration, and empowerment within all communities. Our hope is to inspire empowerment in the African American community by combating social injustices through the campaign “We Are One”. Through our multi-modal product, we spread unity and inspiration through our involvement in the African American community by implementing our programs: “Reading in the Park, Gun Buy Back, and the Poster Campaign”. Despite color, status, or personal beliefs, the “We Are One” campaign will unite the African American community to collectively alter the narrative surrounding the division within the community.

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