King, Melissa. “Better Online Living through Content Moderation.” Model View Culture. 14 Oct. 15. Web. 07 Mar. 2016.
This article shows us the relationship between PTSD and content control. Some people have argued that PTSD is only associated with those who have been in the military, but they are mistaken. Individuals who have been affected by bullying can also experience PTSD, and this is where content control comes into play. Melissa King lets us know that content control is referring to “block and ignore functions, content/trigger warnings, blocklists and privacy options.” These features aid people who may risk triggering their anxiety from unwanted content on the Internet. These same individuals get criticized and are told to “just deal with it” when it comes to online abuse and unwanted content. Content control has become a very helpful solution to this new internet problem. “Content control is helpful in limiting the worst of these attacks, which themselves can cause PTSD if severe or long-term enough. While using content control features is not guaranteed to stop the effects of abuse, they do help and their use should not be disparaged and discouraged.”
Bennin, Phia, and Brendan McMullen. “Color Walking.” Radiolab Blogland. 29 June 2012. Web. 07 Mar. 2016.
Phia Bennin and Brendan McMullen introduce us to this new idea of “Color Walking.” You simply walk out the door, let a color catch your eye, and follow it for as long as you can, or until another color excites you. The main idea is to follow one object to the next with similar colors, and get “lost” along the way. Let yourself travel throughout your city/neighborhood without even realizing how far you’ve come. By enjoying the natural space and natural colors, you can give your mind a break to rejuvenate, and appreciate the space around you. “At the end of the afternoon, the colors hung in our brains and eyes. We walked away seeing a world brimming over with colors: the rusty orange of a rooftop water tower in the sun, a bright blue mohawk, and the humble yellowy greens of a new leaf all jumped into our eyes.” Bennin and McMullen conducted this experiment, starting from a woman wearing a blue scarf outside of their studio, and ending with a man wearing pink.