Art in my environment (free pass)

In this first picture, I am standing in Covington, Georgia with two of my very best friends and we are taking pictures to have memories of all of us during the holidays. I took this picture and to me, it is a work of art. My two best friends are absolutely gorgeous so what’s more to say other than they are the art? I think that them laughing in this picture and the lights shining in the background relate to happiness and brightness just like as if were a painting or sculpture. My first impression makes me see the happiness in them and the setting as well. I think it is about them living their life and being happy and beautiful. I am the artist for this particular picture so what I was trying to bring out in this specific picture was happiness and beauty because I believe that that is what art is all about. I believe that the Christmas trees in the background let viewers know that it is during the most wonderful time of the year, with smiles on the girls faces, lights in the background, and even in front of a store let people know that this is a happy photo.

By looking at this picture, you can come up with hundreds of different observations on why this picture could be a work of art. I know its not a painting or anything like that but something doesn’t have to be a painting or statue or anything like that to be considered “art”. The angle and lighting of this picture really show what is taking place. The colors really bring forward the happiness showed in this picture as well. This picture shows elements from how bright the colors are in the photo and how the photo was taken with different lines that make this photo the shape that it is. As we can observe, I wouldn’t say that this photo has any type of “texture”.



This is the next picture I chose from 2 years ago in Saint George. We see a picture of my boyfriend and I standing on the sand beside the ocean at the beach. This picture was just on my camera roll but I found that it was perfect to do this assignment on. Most people took pictures of paintings and things that actual artists did, but I would rather use my imagination from my own photos to represent the work. In my opinion, this picture represents a couple that both has smiles on their faces enjoying a great time at the beach with such a pretty view in the background.

I love the colors of this photo because we are both wearing something kind of blue and the ocean is blue as well so I thought it was just a cool picture. It shows us celebrating life and it shows the happiness of our lives as well. This photo has a good representation of elements and colors. I think of texture when I think of the way the sand and ocean feels. This is a very cool picture because there are so many different possible things to say about it and how art is reflected in this picture.

4 thoughts on “Art in my environment (free pass)

  1. While I enjoyed reading about each of these photos and feel that your assessment of each photo as art does fit what we learned as being the qualifiers of are, these photos do not appropriately meet the expectations of the assignment. I am relieved that you were clear to distinguish that you were talking about the photograph as the work of art and not the people or nature because this reflects a better understanding of the content from Module 3, so this is more a comment on the photos effectiveness at communicating the objectives of the assignment than your understanding of the content. The post asked each of you to reflect on works of art that already exist in your everyday environment (and that you frequently encounter) with “new” eyes. By using the elements and principles to re-examine these works of art you can learn more about how visual imagery communicates. The photos that you took, while they could be considered art, are not likely in your everyday environment, nor were they likely taken with actual specific consideration of the elements and principles of art. This makes it pretty hard to accomplish the remainder of the project objectives. Despite that, you spoke well about the impact of color here on the overall mood and energy in the works and I think you’re on the right track with the application of the material and your estimation of what art is from Module 2.

  2. The subjects of photos can be represented in many forms. That is what you tried to express here. Photographs tell stories, and your image accomplishes that, but I think you could have gone a bit deeper with the images you chose.

  3. The photos you choose nice I would consider them art. I think you could have gone a little more in depth with the photos you chose.

  4. I see why you would use these two pictures as “Art in my environment” because I would do the same thing. I like to have pictures of me and my loved ones around my house because it’s memories and it’s art in the same way because we view it as art because it’s people we genuinely care about. You looked very beautiful in the picture with your best friend btw.

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