One Way or Another

Paper can be used in varies of ways writing, drawing, printing, cutting, and wrapping, etc. For this project I used paper to make a idea look realistic in a three-dimensional perspective. First I used inspiration from a poem, “13 Ways”, by Wallace Stevens. I analyzed the poem to get a idea of what I think the poem is about from my perspective. The poem is used imagery and personification to describe whether the poem is describing a soul, bird, or nature. Based on the poem I understood that paper can actually mean something in many different ways. After the first two pieces it was actually hard to think of other ideas to create because I had to use one full white sheet of paper. I gathered my ideas based on my childhood and what represented me of what I liked. By observing my fellow classmates artwork they really went all out and were very creative thinking outside the box, which was something I struggled with just by needing to have fun with it. What I learned from this project is to have fun with the project, think outside the box, and observe. A personal goal I achieved through the process was don’t be afraid to go big and extra with my ideas. I would like to see my artwork in galleries and use them in my portfolio.

Pick a Peck of Pumpkins
Bunny Treats
Believe in The Bunny
I’m the Princess That’s Why
It is Not the Hear of the Ear to Listen
Good Shoes Take You Places
We’re All Ears
Spring Then Comes Summer
A Hiking We Will Go
Girl Power
From Sketchbook

“Being different as to using vibrant colors and themes expresses who I am based on my art sets me apart from other artists. I design my art by using characteristics from my childhood and now.”

From Sketchbook

“Don’t be afraid of being different be afraid of being the same as everyone else.”

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