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    Blog #3

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    Almost all new college students come into college taking the same basic classes, which include English. Some may be more familiar with the tones of the English language while others are beginners, but they all go through the same course syllabus which includes source usage and citation. Source usage and citation is the action of taking information from a separate article, magazine, or source of information, using it in your writing, and correctly citing the article from which you got the information. Whenever you are writing a piece, whether it’s an essay for your teacher or it’s something for your job, it’s almost always recommended that you include information from other sources. That is the recommendation because it strengthens your position whatever it may be, or it presents the idea that you are well versed in your topic. Now that a need for sources has been established, the next step is to properly use it within your piece. There are well-known rules regarding the usage of information. Those rules are there to prevent plagiarism which is the misuse of information or the false claiming of information as your own. When using a source, you put the information in quotation marks and put in parentheses the author and what page you got the information from. The last thing to do is to properly cite a source. Citation is the act of giving credit to the author of the information that you borrowed. There are strict rules regarding the citation of information that can be found online.



    Using Sources. Digital image. Slideshare. 03 February 2020,

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    Blog #3

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