Category: announcements

Some Data on our Research Data Services

The Library’s Research Data Services (RDS) Team supports research projects and learning across multiple disciplines involving quantitative, qualitative, business, and spatial/GIS data. We collaborate with and advise Georgia State University’s researchers across the entire research lifecycle, including accessing and using unique data, using data analysis software, managing data, and sharing data for reuse by other researchers. Find out more about our specific services at

In our inaugural year (FY17), the Research Data Services Team, led by Mandy Swygart-Hobaugh, provided over 250 consultations to Georgia State University’s researchers. Check out some statistics and visualizations, generated here by Mandy in Tableau from the data we logged for our research data services (RDS) consultations, which illustrate the breadth and depth of our experiences during our inaugural year.

Our One-Year Anniversary!

Report CoverIt was one year ago today that the University Library welcomed distinguished guests including President Mark Becker, Vice President for Research & Economic Development James Weyhenmeyer, numerous student and faculty presenters, and approximately 120 attendees from the University and Atlanta communities to the official opening of CURVE.

What a successful first year we’ve had! We invite you to read our annual report (pdf; 15MB) documenting the many student, faculty, and staff accomplishments that have taken place in CURVE since last fall’s ribbon cutting.

2015 Innovators Award

Campus Technology Innovators Awards logoGeorgia State University has been presented with an Innovators Award for CURVE from Campus Technology magazine in the Education Futurists category.  See the feature story and list of current and past winners.

Here’s an excerpt from the article:

CURVE is setting a new precedent for access to visual media technologies at Georgia State. Students, faculty and staff can use visualization and modeling software, high-end graphics processors and immersive large-scale displays; some employ specialty software packages for quantitative, qualitative and spatial data analysis, and for others, the latest geospatial and visualization tools support simulations in their field of study. And with the growing emphasis of analytics, data visualization, GIS and digital scholarship in all fields, CURVE is fostering new interdisciplinary connections and research collaborations among previously disparate groups.

Congratulations to us and to all the students, faculty, and staff who have made CURVE a big success during our first year.