Seven months later, the gift rarely finds its place on my wrist as reality had started to take its toll on our euphoric relationship. Our schedules became more demanding and the dreadful moment that we tried our best to avoid, finally has come.

My bags are packed, and are ready for the new season. My gloves are pure white, my cleats are clean, and my helmet is unblemished.

“Can you hand me that bag,” “Where do you want me to put this,” or “Thanks for getting that for me,” were the only things said in the eerie quietness.

We subconsciously make eye contact. Her light brown eyes were filled with uncertainty but also strength. She begins to squeeze my hand tight.

“You got this, remember me, and remember where you came from.”

I glance in the rear view mirror. There she was, waving goodbye while holding her phone to her face.

I later stare at the gift on my left wrist when stopped at a red light. A smile emerges from ear to ear as I reminisce on our unforgettable memories.

“The Opening” ringtone interrupts my nostalgic bliss . When I reach down to answer the phone, I see that it’s her.


Featured Sound: Virtual Ambiance via

Featured Image: Author’s Own


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