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Reflection 5 (week 6&7)

Racial Profiling.

Racial profiling existed in the early centuries and is still existing today. Racial profiling is when someone is suspected of committing offense based on the person race or ethnicity. I am interested in this issue because it correlates with racism and injustice  which is basically  everywhere ( at school, work, social media, etc…) Related to Kindred, section “The Fall”, we can see that  Dana teaching Rufus how to read and spell did not cause her any trouble, but instead brought her short-term happiness in the Weylin house. She was not treated as the other slaves but was still working as a maid because of her achieved status. After a long period there, she started teaching the other black kids, and that was when she got into troubles. During a night while she was teaching Nigel how to spell, in the kitchen, Mr. Weylin walked in and grabbed her hand saying ”  didn’t I tell you” ( Butler 97). Dana was then thrown out, and whooped. He claimed that ” I treated you good, and you pay me back by stealing my books… reading!” (98)  He whooped her until Kelvin came, which was too late because she disappeared.

This section of the book simply demonstrates in another way the practice of “double standard” where a practice is good for one group, and bad for the other.  Here we can clearly understand that racial profiling was the main issue in  “The Fall” section. 

Image result for the fall kindred

Reflection 4 (week 5&6)


class work

À graphic novel that discusses a woman who is linked to her ancestors and has the ability to travel back to the time of her ancestors.  Dana is the great-granddaughter of Rufus and Alice. Analyzing the prologue, we can see that Dana has one arm amputated, with a face showing suffering. The background and setting make the reader to guess the time period in which it occurred in and the factors that contributed to her amputated arm. Her physical appearance looks like a person who recently came back from a fight. Her fixed eyes contact seems to want to tell a story.  On the other hand, the cover of the graphic novel reveals an infinity bondage of black to white people. The hands opened upward demonstrate a person asking for mercy.  Image result for kindred prologue

Reflection 3 (week 4&5)

          Essay 1 

We had to write a comparative and analysis essay. It was pretty challenging because comparing two articles and look at the one who does better on convincing the reader and the audience about the homosexual adoption. Whether it’s bad or good. Although it was easy for me to find an article, I still struggled because I had so many good information on the website, therefore made it difficult for me to find articles.

The challenges I had beside the article search was the typing part. Putting my ideas and information in my article was very though. But after reading over and over, highlighting. The key words, etc… I understood it better and started typing. The free-write strategy, the critical reading skills, and the pact chart helped me in my writing process. Nevertheless, I will avoid procrastinating, do the last minutes things, and so on because procrastinating short up your time to proofread your paper.Image result for gay adoption essay

Reflection 2… Just Mercy

Just Mercy….. By Bryan Stevenson

Just Mercy, a book that is centered on criminal injustice, covers racism, wrongful conviction by an eyewitness, death penalty, life imprisonment, mass imprisonment and so on… is an educative novel. Bryan Stevenson is a Black American lawyer that fights for the right of young Blacks and prisoners, facing injustice. Just Mercy really helped me understanding the criminal justice system of the United States. It’s is very cruel to see that some people have sentenced life imprisonment without parole, or are convicted for uncommitted crimes. Image result for just mercy



This novel touched precise parts of the injustice in the system such as corruption, etc…I really think that people should take a look at the justice system because it is currently based on race, background, ethnicity, groups etc… it is an unfair system that needs to be changed in order for people to get a fair trial. Relating to the book just mercy, chapter … where the military man killed the woman, because of his feeling, mental illness and other factors, the judge and the lawyers knew the cause of his mental illness but still did not consider it and put him on death row. A quote that really stunned me was the quote saying that it’s only when we are dying that people are ready to help.” It’s been so strange, Bryan. More people have asked me what they can do to help me in the last fourteen hours of my life than ever asked me when I  was coming up” This is a true quote. People only stand by you only when you have few hours to live.

Image result for just mercy

Reflection 1.(week 1&2 jan.8-17)

Once again, It is me, Cho

For the weekly reflection 1, I have decided to reflect on the challenges faced during the first two weeks of the Spring semester.

         The start of this the spring semester was pretty tough for me because I was still wondering whether or not I should change my major. Hence, I was all over the place worrying about changing my major, while the semester already started.  My classes began on January 8; I did not want to go to school because I felt unprepared. Therefore, I went late to my classes on the first day. After the first interactions with my teachers and classmate, I was required to buy certain books and class materials but unfortunately, I did not feel the need for buying books or school materials. I wanted to buy them cheaper online, so I worried less about buying the books. On the second week of school, which was the snow week, I had a lot of homework to do, but since I did not have my books with me, the homework started to accumulate. During the second week of school, I was home thinking how I was going to get my Sociology and English classes homework done without textbook since it was due on the next Monday. I thought of 2 alternatives solutions which were: 1, emailing my professor and let him know about the problem. 2, renting a book on Amazon (I needed an access code with the sociology textbook) then returned it after buying my book at the bookstore. After my multiple reflections, I just complete the English homework and waited until Monday to inform him of the factors that stopped me from completing the homework.

       Aside from the class homework problem, I almost had an accident on my way to work, because the road was cover of snow, which made it slippery and dangerous.  I was driving to work on Wednesday, January the 17th at 2:50 pm when my tires started to slip. I panicked and pressed the break quickly and slowly while turning my wheel to the left because my car was heading to hit a tree standing on the right. I slowly managed the tires to come back on the road. After everything stabilized, I thanked my Lord, Jesus Christ and drove slowly and carefully till work.




The Non-Politics of Disability ( The APATSARC DRILL)

Hello Class <3 <3,  

During the snow break, our Professor Dr.C made us complete the APATSARC DRILL on The Non-Politics of Disability.

AUDIENCE-  Citizens of the United States and Permanent Residents.

PURPOSE-   The author wants the government to invest more towards the disabled.

ARGUMENT- Disability should not be a taboo issue, but be known politically which will make an impact on the life of the disabled.

 TONE-   Unwanted, Depressed, Needy, Hoping for a best.

 STRUCTURE-  Informative article.

ASSUMPTION- Assume that people falsy agree on the changes that must be made for the disabled because they do not put their hand into the actual work. Additionally, he points out about the accident that happened between Donald Trump and Serge Kovaleski (journalist).

RHETORICAL Appeal- Pathos and logos

CONTEXT- Online, Website, Article in the New Yor Times.


Hello everybody,

I m Cho Seka Esther, I am from Ivory Coast. I have been living in the United States, precisely in Atlanta for 5 years. 

I am very self-oriented and know where I am heading. 

I am very grateful to be in Dr. C English 1102 class because it teaches me how to write and to become a critical reader and thinker.

During Dr. C English 1101 class

Hope you all are happy to be in this class as well