Reflection 2… Just Mercy

Just Mercy….. By Bryan Stevenson

Just Mercy, a book that is centered on criminal injustice, covers racism, wrongful conviction by an eyewitness, death penalty, life imprisonment, mass imprisonment and so on… is an educative novel. Bryan Stevenson is a Black American lawyer that fights for the right of young Blacks and prisoners, facing injustice. Just Mercy really helped me understanding the criminal justice system of the United States. It’s is very cruel to see that some people have sentenced life imprisonment without parole, or are convicted for uncommitted crimes. Image result for just mercy



This novel touched precise parts of the injustice in the system such as corruption, etc…I really think that people should take a look at the justice system because it is currently based on race, background, ethnicity, groups etc… it is an unfair system that needs to be changed in order for people to get a fair trial. Relating to the book just mercy, chapter … where the military man killed the woman, because of his feeling, mental illness and other factors, the judge and the lawyers knew the cause of his mental illness but still did not consider it and put him on death row. A quote that really stunned me was the quote saying that it’s only when we are dying that people are ready to help.” It’s been so strange, Bryan. More people have asked me what they can do to help me in the last fourteen hours of my life than ever asked me when I  was coming up” This is a true quote. People only stand by you only when you have few hours to live.

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