Monthly Archives: April 2018

Reflection 12

Dash Warrior Event

 Attending this Warrior Dash event was my very first time to be exposed to a race that includes up to Eight obstacles.  I think it was pretty fun. I’ve actually volunteered through NLA on Saturday, April 14, 2018, at the Dash Warrior event that was held at 3110 Monroe Jersey Road Southeast Covington, Ga 30014. It was great exposure. As a volunteer, I thought I would have to do hard work, but that wasn’t true at all. My team and I only helped serve water to the runners at the station #2, while others helped clean the area. The whole experience was educative and fun. I Wish to be a participant next year, God willing to overcome as many obstacles as possible. I encourage my audience to volunteer or even participate in the warrior dash challenge which is an obstacle course race next year for a fun experience



Reflection 11 – Dash Warriors


*Warrior Dash is the obstacle course race that anyone can start and everyone can finish. With over two million participants worldwide since 2009, we’ve reinvented the concept of a 5k run and created a revolution: Warrior Nation. Participants earn their Warrior title by tackling a fierce 3.1-mile course and 12 extreme obstacles. After conquering the Battleground, Warriors celebrate with beer steins and live music at a post‐race party.

*Expect fun costumes, a spirited crowd, and plenty of mud, sweat, and beer! Volunteer Summary: Volunteers help us embody the phrase “teamwork makes the dream work!” Course volunteers will be asked to help in a variety of capacities that might include: -Setting up a water check and handing out water to runners -Setting up the finish line and rewarding participants with cheers, a finisher medal, and water -Helping out at either our Fire or Goliath obstacle by instructing participants on safe methods of completing the obstacles.

after volunteering.


Reflection 10

Digital Project Resources- the curious incident of the dog in the nighttime

Group projects are fun when you know exactly what to do. This project is honestly difficult for my group members and I because it was hard to find a working thesis and an introduction. Although it seems easy in the beginning, as it progressed, the whole process became confusing and required more critical thinking skills. We struggled and did our very best to have something during the peer-review.  I hope this project won’t affect our grade and that we get good grades because its head breaking. 


Reflection 9

 What do you think we have learned about Christopher during the novel? Do you agree that he is still a mystery?  What have we learned about human beings in general? Do you think empathy has allowed you as a reader to better understand Christopher?

Let me say that I enjoyed reading “the curious incident of the dog in the nighttime” first, then I think that Christopher was smart, a mysterious boy who l loved challenged and does not give up on his quest as well. Christopher, though he had autism, he never let anything stopped him from discovering the murder of Wellington, the dog of his neighbor.  Further, when reading till the end, I learned that he became brave mature and independent ( Haddon 221). Generally speaking, we can say that human beings are somehow unperfect and can easy to offend one another. I say this because of the scene of  Christopher’s father killing, and lying to Cristopher about the death of his mother (Judy Boone).  Lastly, I think he is still a mystery and indeed empathy has allowed me to understand him better.

Image result for the curious incident of the dog in the nighttime christopher last pages
Christopher loves patterns

Reflection 8

the curious incident of the dog in the nighttime

# Chapter 2 Summary -The book opens seven minutes after midnight, when the narrator, Christopher John Francis Boone, finds Wellington, the poodle belonging to Mrs. Shears, his neighbor, dead on Mrs. Shears’ lawn with a garden fork through its side. Christopher touches the dog’s muzzle and observes that it is still warm. He wonders who killed Wellington, and why.

When it’s said to not a judge a book by its cover, I think its true. Looking at the book cover and design, I felt bored and unenthusiastic because of the fact that the previous book I read, Kindred was more captivation and questionable. But after reading the first 10 pages which were surprising because of they were in prime numbers,  I began to catch on. I think it is an informative novel because it taught me about autism which I was not aware of before reading this novel. Besides, The narrator, Christopher Boone does a great job changing the readers’ mind, because his book helped me have a different point of views of people suffering from different disorders or disability.

Image result for the curious incident of the dog in the nighttime

Reflection 7 ( week 9&10)

As an open topic, reflecting on how  I did on my revised essay will make sense to me. Essay two was pretty challenging for my whole English 1102 Class. Although I made an A on the final essay 2, I wasn’t still satisfied because I wanted a high A. Therefore when Dr. Carowther, My English instructor gave us a second chance, I was like B-I-N-G-O. I used that chance productively, which gave me a higher A. On the other hand, revising an essay which consisted of adding, deleting, moving was a bit challenging because in my head and my eyes, I saw my final product as perfect although it wasn’t. But thanks to Dr. Crowther who added some comment on my paper to make it better. 

revised essay