Reflection 6 ( 8&9)


Essay 2

Essay two focused on contemporary problems inspired by the graphic novel Kindred. Hence, I wrote about the causes of obesity, its consequencses if not addressed now, and the possible solutions to prevent obesity.Related image

The writing process was not very difficult because it was a research paper, where I educated myself then wrote about obesity. in contrary, finding the articles was a bit challenging for me because I didn’t want to use the school library database because the articles were hard to read. But after a long reflection, I decided to go on ” Opposing Viewpoint” to search for the articles regarding obesity. Comparing to essay one, where I struggled with choosing the right articles because there were many good articles, choosing the articles for the research paper was effortless. 

The challenges I faced besides apart from searching for the articles were gathering my research and ideas together and putting them on paper. Putting my ideas and information from my articles on a readable form was very though. But after reading over and over, highlighting the keywords, writing important facts down etc… I finally knew what the articles were about, therefore made it easy for me to write the four required pages. Additionally, since it is almost impossible to write a research paper without brainstorming,  I used the free-write strategy, and the critical reading skills to guide me in my writing process. However, I will use the given time wisely, and avoid procrastinating,  because procrastinating and poor time management led one to rush things, proofread less, and mostly result in a low grade. Image result for obesity cartoon

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