Hello Class <3 <3,
During the snow break, our Professor Dr.C made us complete the APATSARC DRILL on The Non-Politics of Disability.
AUDIENCE- Citizens of the United States and Permanent Residents.
PURPOSE- The author wants the government to invest more towards the disabled.
ARGUMENT- Disability should not be a taboo issue, but be known politically which will make an impact on the life of the disabled.
TONE- Unwanted, Depressed, Needy, Hoping for a best.
STRUCTURE- Informative article.
ASSUMPTION- Assume that people falsy agree on the changes that must be made for the disabled because they do not put their hand into the actual work. Additionally, he points out about the accident that happened between Donald Trump and Serge Kovaleski (journalist).
RHETORICAL Appeal- Pathos and logos
CONTEXT- Online, Website, Article in the New Yor Times.