Objective: This line drawing focuses on delineating negative space – the space between objects. In this still-life I considered the relationship between the objects under my kitchen sink as well as how the objects related to the cupboard space in which they are contained.
Materials: 18” x 24” drawing paper, charcoal pencil #2
Process: The intent of this exercise was to draw the space between objects. This required a constant readjustment of my focus as I was naturally drawn to the objects themselves. To observe this still-life I sat on a beach chair in the middle of my kitchen floor with both cupboard doors wide open. This kept my perspective constant because once I was seated, I couldn’t easily move the chair. I began with a contour line along the base of the objects at the front of the cupboard to establish the position of each object in space. I continued to build upward as I used sighting and measurement to complete the drawing. My original thumbnail sketches included the entire waste bin on the right of the cupboard; it took up one third of the drawing and detracted from the interest of the composition. In my final drawing I included only the left edge of the bin and incorporated the cupboard door hinge on the left.
Date of Completion: September 2022
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