Blog Post #4: Preventing, Treating, and Knowing the Signs

When talking about harmful diseases I am sure one of THE most important topics are prevention and treatment. Ideally it would be best to never come in contact with any disease, so prevention is a key agenda. Sometimes the inevitable happens and we are unfortunate…

Blog Post #3 From one to multiple!

Before I even begin to explain malaria’s life cycle, let’s look at a very simplistic video that shows all the steps of malaria’s life cycle in a human host. That way when I explain it, the visuals can be put in your head. The following…

Blog Post #2

Malaria is a protist that can come in many different shapes. Depending on their stage of development you may see malaria in a spherical, ring shaped, elongated or crescent shape. Their size can range from 1 to 20 microns. The following are points to help…

Blog Post #1: How It All Began

I took my curiosity on an adventure which is how I ended up at the CDC Museum. From there, I came in contact with information of a variety of different types of microorganisms. Getting there wasn’t easy when you have to take an Uber with…