Dr. Gentry White

Dr. Gentry White


Gentry is a Senior Lecturer in the Mathematical Sciences School at the Queensland University of Technology, an Honorary Senior Research Fellow within the Institute for Social Science Research, an Associate Investigator within the ARC Centre of Excellence in Policing and Security (CEPS), and a member of the Attorney General’s Panel of Countering Violent Extremism. Before coming to Australia, Dr. White was a VIGRE post-doctoral fellow at North Carolina State University and Associate post-doctoral fellow at the Statistical and Mathematical Sciences Institute (SAMSI). Dr. White received his B.S. in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, MA and Ph.D in Statistics from the University of Missouri-Columbia. Dr. White’s current research interests include, point-process models for terrorist activity, text analysis, computational strategies for high-dimensioned data analysis and the application of quantitative methods for intelligence analysis. He has been an invited speaker at the Australian Institute of Professional Intelligence Officers 2013 Workshop, an invited discussant at the 2013 Joint Statistical Meeting, and presented his research at the US Department of Homeland Security, and the Australian Defence Science and Technology Organisation. He has published numerous well-received papers in the fields of Statistics, Computational Methods, Criminology, and Sociology.