Cheane Nurse
Andy Fentem
English 1101
19 November 2021
Podcast Outline
The length of the podcast is required to be at least 4 to 5 minutes, my podcast may possibly stretch over that due to conversation throughout it. The podcast will start off, with basic introductions. I state my name and the class that this is for as well as introduce my guest who is one of my personal friends. I give a short introduction for him and he comes in and says something for himself. I then proceed to introduce the topic that we will be talking about in this podcast (which hasn’t been finally decided) which will most likely stem from one of the readings from this semester. I will introduce the topic to my guest and then proceed to ask if he has any prior knowledge or anything to give me about the topic. If not, I would proceed to read an objective summary about to topic to bet get them to understand the topic in a concise manner. If however, they actually do have some prior knowledge on the topic, I would ask them to elaborate on what they know and see if I can relate to it. Since this portion could possibly go by fast, I might prepare a backup topic to bounce onto to discuss. As well as this, I will prepare questions to ask for both topics assuming the guest knows nothing about neither. Questions would most likely be about if they’ve experienced anything where the topic was a dependent factor in a situation and how did they act in it. Even for length requirements or the guest having confusion, I’ll also include experiences of situations where the topic is the main factor. After this, we will proceed to the conclusion where I ask the guest to reflect on what they have learned if it was impactful for them.