February 8

Interview 3

  1. Questions for Interviewee: Write the three or four of the questions that elicited the best responses. How did these change based on previous experience?
    1. What were you taught about mental health? Was it talked about?
    2. Why do you think people are afraid to go to mental health appointments? Appointments in general?
    3. How do you feel about the current way that appointments are set-up and what might help to lessen the fear?What are some ideas that might fix this issue? Solutions? Counter-measures?
    4. What is your primary issue with the way doctors interact with a patient?
  2. Interviewee Response Summary
    1. March 5th at 7pm on Zoom
    2. Summarized bullet points of the interviewee responses including:
      • They have health visits on a yearly basis. They feel heard and respected at these appointments.
      • The worst appointment they had, they didn’t feel like the doctor cared or heard them but instead just wanted them out of there asap.
      • Mental health was taught briefly in school, but other than that, the education of it was non-existent.
      • In terms of going to appointments, the interviewee mentioned that it’s hard to open up to strangers on terms of mental health and that people are afraid of finding out something is wrong.
      • People are afraid because of the expenses, especially in America and during a pandemic, or worry that something new will come up.
      • They recommended that something readily accessible could help, such as help lines to walk someone through the process of dealing with their health issues.
      • Brought up another incident involving a family member. The doctor only spoke to the assistant and when dealing with the family, was incredibly rude and ignored them.
      • They mentioned this happens more often than we want to think and that because these professionals are in a prestigious field, they can get away with their intolerable behavior.
      • She feels as though doctors don’t think the patient knows what is wrong with their own body.