Interview Summary
Analysis: Analyze your notes, think about observations you have made, and group them into patterns
- None of the interviewees are afraid of going to doctors but understand why someone would be.
- Their prior knowledge was entirely based on academics and/or observation, but even then the information was limited.
- Participants mentioned that it was not discussed outside of school and looked down on.
Insights: Reflect on the patterns you identified… what is the user trying to do? What are your first insights after hearing five interviews?
- The interviewees want information to be more easily accessible. They want help lines, alternate methods instead of medicine, and an increase in opportunities and availability. Having a more accessible method of getting care will possibly help others get more care and more often.
- I chose some decent participants, getting some solid answers for 4/5 of the interviews. Despite interviewee 2 being lackluster in responses, his body responses showed that it was a sign of not caring and thinking of health has not important. This gave insight on how lack of knowledge can shape your mindset on something. He doesn’t care because he wasn’t taught to.
- Interviewee 3, 4, and 5 gave me a fair amount of information. They wish health professionals would listen and care about their health instead of just for the job. It would make patients want to open up more and care more about their own health if the professional wasn’t rude or inconsiderate. While not every patient wants to open up, it should still be a requirement for health professionals to care and give their full attention. These three also had great ideas for solutions, specifically number 5, offering a multitude of different options to look into.
- After interviewing number 1, I decided to go down the fear path to see if that is the true issue. However, all participants said that weren’t afraid of visits. But they did go back to the being heard and respected issue. They talked about how they wish resources were more accessible and cost-friendly.