March 7

Interview 4

  1. Questions for Interviewee: Write the three or four of the questions that elicited the best responses. How did these change based on previous experience?
    1. What were you taught about mental health? Was it talked about?
    2. Why do you think people are afraid to go to mental health appointments? Appointments in general?
    3. How do you feel about the current way that appointments are set-up and what might help to lessen the fear?What are some ideas that might fix this issue? Solutions? Counter-measures?
    4. What is your primary issue with the way doctors interact with a patient?
  2. Interviewee Response Summary
    1. March 5th at 5pm on Zoom
    2. Summarized bullet points of the interviewee responses including:
      • Doesn’t go for mental health checks, but does have monthly doctor’s appointments.
      • Her current OB makes her feel heard and comfortable.
      • Her first OB was the opposite, being vague with responses, and the whole scenario felt rushed.
      • Mental health was taught in her Psychology class where they learned about different mental disorders. Even learning how to keep mentally healthy.
      • She mentioned how going to therapy is still looked down upon in society compared to other health visits.
      • Health professionals should care about the patients if they want to go into this field.
      • She feels as though patients are not given enough information, and the system could be better.