My name is Cayman Millender and I am nineteen years old. My birthday is September 10th. I enjoy modeling ,acting ,dancing ,and the fine arts. I am an art major here at Georgia State Perimeter College and I love it. I am here in this class because I did not get at least a C in it the first go round at a different campus. I am always striving for excellence, in this case new knowledge and an A+.
I chose to come to Perimeter because it was close to home and it was cheap in terms of the fact that I didn’t plan on paying any student loans by the time I graduate. I also don’t like big changes so going somewhere farther away would have freaked me out. My goals for college are to get a degree and become an art professor. Along the way of obtaining my degree my goals are to take full advantage of everything college has to offer. However ,my short term goal is this class and my goals for this class are to get to know as many students as possible, to get to know my professor, become a better writer, and become a better reader.