This article talks about what racial injustice looks like. Racial injustice looks like unequal employment, same crimes different time, same amount of innocent deaths less good press. Social injustice is when I have to fear my brother driving by his self and when I have to pray that he doesn’t get pulled over because I may never see him again. Social injustices go unnoticed or ignored all the time. It is time now for a change.
This article covers the pay difference between Anglo americans and African Americans. It covers the difference the house hold income gap between races. It covers the difference in pay according to the level of education the black or white man / woman has. all of the data in this article proves that we black and non-whites are treated badly. Whether all white people in America are racist is irrelevant because the majority either is or ignores the injustices being made to the minorities. If they keep ignoring us and if we keep allowing them to run over us things will never get better , in fact things will get worse. So we all need to stick together ( minorities and non-racist white Americans) and demand better treatment and better pay. we need to stand up and tell America what we stand for and what we will not stand for. we need to demand more jobs. We need to protest.
How can America expect for us as African Americans and minorities in general to strive in America if they still treat us like slaves and look down upon us? How can anyone who is not a white man expect to reach the American dream? And, is the American dream meant for minorities? I don’t think and if so maybe we all as minorities need to leave and start over somewhere else where we can obtain all our dreams or at least to a place where that seems plausible.