Social Justice – blog promt 3

  1. Social justice is every person getting fair treatment regardless of their different financial backgrounds, who they choose to marry, and their different racial backgrounds.
  2.  This is the argument I am going to make about it in my essay: So regardless of if a person is rich or poor, black or white, or their interracial relationships, people come from all different backgrounds and we need to accept them where they are.
  3. The facts, data, and support I will need for my essay will come from this wonderful article called “Jeff Nichols on loving: ‘You cant grow up is the American south and not confront race issues'” In the article I learned that interracial marriage wasn’t officially legal everywhere in the United States of America until 2000. That was just 17 years ago. This fact absolutely blew my mind.
  4. Bonus: after reading this article I strongly suggest you go see the movie the Lovings!!! This Is the trailer and it will blow your mind. This is truly one of the best love stories ever!