Controversial Freewrite – blog post 1

My free write

I believe homosexual people doing homosexual activities should not be portrayed on television. I believe this because it sends the wrong message to not only children but to teens and adults as well. I believe it poisons our minds to condition us to accept unusual behavior. If however the LGBT community just has to feel equal to us because we live in America where we are free to do whatever they should have their own channel for which they can be displayed, so that the rest of us have a choice of wether or not we want to expose ourselves,our teens, or our adults to values they do not believe in, uphold, or that go against their religious beliefs. I also believe that we heterosexual people should not be looked down upon because we hold this view.

I believe my religion is what influences how I decide what I believe in because I am a strong Christian. I am also openminded though, however, being homosexual doesn’t just go against my religion it goes against science as well. Scientifically we should all be heterosexual in order to reproduce and not go extinct. A woman and a woman can not reproduce and neither can a man and a man. I believe this is the way god wanted it and the way science has proved it to be. As the God commands us in the bible, we should be fruitful and multiply and there is only one correct way to do that.

Also just to be clear I don’t believe that sexual scenes should be on television at all even if it is heterosexual because it all poisons our minds. we will all be able to experience what God wants us to experience if we do things right the way God intended it to be.