For the Creepy Crawly project the goal was to create your own insect that was a combination of three other real life bugs. We then needed to incorporate some characteristic from each insect and make it part of our own insect. The three insects that i decided to combine was the caterpillar, the firefly, and the butterfly. Even though i hate bugs and was my first time working with wire, i absolutely loved making this piece. I will say it was difficult to work but once i got the hang of it it turned out just how i wanted it to. So i made my insect by incorporating the body of the caterpillar, the wings come from the butterfly and the twirled tail is the light from the firefly. My idea was to make the body heavy so that way it could stand on its own. So the made the base the most sturdy and made three connected pieces. For the ears i wanted to get them from the firefly and butterfly, they have those antenna type. Lastly the wings, i didnt want to make them basic per usual so i added some detail that gave it like a vibration feel. The swirl tail his how i see the energy of their light. It going in a looped direction.