Project 2: Favorite Things Reductive Value Drawing

Project 2: Reductive Value Charcoal Drawing

Date Completed: Spring 2022

Materials: Vine Charcoal, Large Drawing Paper, Smudging Tool, Sponge

Description: This project used the reductive drawing method to draw 5 objects that all have a similar theme. Only one light source was allowed to be used. We also had to capture the shadows and lights. We used minimal lines and only allowed to values to be next to each other. We also had to take into account any reflected light. There also had to be some texture in the background that support the drawing. I choose objects that have a magic theme: a magic lamp, a crystal, a rose in a glass dome, a cup of the female form, and a book where I write poetry about fantasy elements. First, I laid down a thick layer of vine charcoal and erased out the negative shapes. Then I went in and tried to capture the finer details by adding more charcoal. I also used the kneaded eraser, charcoal pencils, and the blending tool. I moved the objects on accident a couple times by bumping my desk or the light source and tried my best to cover any of my mistakes. This process taught me how to draw shadows since I have never drawn them before. It also made me more aware of how light affects the objects that I draw. I have never used vine charcoal before so using it for this project was a unique experience for me. I have also never drawn fabric before, so I was happy to see that my fabric looked like fabric.