Reflection Journal #6

I have really enjoyed this class this semester, and it is a larger improvement than the previous class, HON 1000. The previous class was a waste of time and credit hours, and honestly, it should have been just something that was extracurricular instead of me wasting my HOPE coverage on it. Besides that harsh realization, this class has proven great change for the LEAD with Honors cohort, and gets us to think critically about our group dynamics as a functional cohort. With that being said, I believe that the lecture material that is being covered in this unique classroom style is intriguing and interesting, while also serving as a function of real world application to the direction of what we want the cohort to move towards. Tying lecture material and information covered in the book is to our cohort is something that is indeed working. The biggest issue I have with the setup of the course are three things.

The first is the classroom setup. Last semester, in the College of Law, we had a Socratic setup in the room, where we were in a big square, with the front being the center of attention. With that being said, I hope we could have the same setup for our classroom in Classroom South. Instead of the long, horizontal setup we have now, might I suggest we center the room in a different direction than normal. The other main concern I have is the way we setup the quizzes. The quizzes overall are not too difficult, its just that the questions on them are such nit picky that, when reading the book, I tend to forget the certain information. A lot of the questions on this past previous quiz were all subjective to interpretation, which is something I noticed in regards to the previous quizzes being more objective. I do agree that we need some form of grading scale to test our knowledge of the course material, but if the quizzes were less subjective to interpretation, that would be great. Questions such as “what would be the general outcome of the jury vote if it was 9-3 in favor of guilty” with one of the answer choices being “cannot be determined” is too subjective. This is because after reading many pages in the book in regards to how if few stay consistent, they can swing the jury vote, my opinion would be that the answer should have been it cannot be determined. I would say, quizzes such as true/false and questions that come straight from fact are the best way to word the quizzes. Finally, I do not like how ambiguous this group project is. Personally, I would like to know what this group project entails so our group can start working on what needs to be done, instead of waiting for these assignments that serve as ambiguity to the entire presentation of an info-graphic.

Besides those caveats, I do like how the lecture material makes us think as a group. I feel as if this is the best part of the course, and will definitely serve as a reminder on what our cohort wants to do in regards to the promotion, advocacy, and direction in which we govern ourselves.
