Mindfulness, Mindfulness, Mindfulness!!!
I just had the pleasure to engage in gentle yoga at the Mind-Body Clinic located at the Counseling & Testing Center! For my time as an athlete, I have been so accustomed to high-intensity activities that yoga gives me a different perspective of self-care/ self-love. Gentle yoga is a judge-free zone where you are practicing meditation and expanding your awareness around deep breathing.
The ambiance of the Mind-Body Clinic is coherent to the wonderful instructor, Linnie. Inside the meditation room, there is a rock waterfall with calming melodies playing in the background throughout your session. Linnie has such a sincere and relaxing demeanor that will have you in a deep sleep by the end of your mindfulness session. I choose to partake in gentle yoga but you also have to option to participate in pace to breathe at the Mind Body Clinic!
At the Mind-Body Clinic, there are few handouts that you’re more than welcomed to take such as suggestions for a daily practice of cultivating mindfulness and other helpful guidelines to improve personal care! A few tips that I took from experiencing gentle yoga and the handouts are that your mind is going to wander, and that is okay, just keep in mind that this is just what minds do, so there is no need judge it. Also, before entering the meditation room, you may have a high-stress level, anxiety or worry about the future, but that is okay, just let that be part of your awareness at the moment without judgment or criticism!
If you’re interested in the biggest event of all regarding the Mind-Body Clinic, they are hosting a Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction class on Monday from 5-7:30pm held in the College of Education Room. I have not been but I look forward to being apart of this wonderful experience!
I can’t wait to hear about what you think of the yoga class as the semester goes on–I might want to try taking it at some point!!
Thanks for sharing. Can you use this image and the text (reduce though) to create a social media (i.e., Instagram post)? Please email me the draft and I will post. I’d like the post to start with: A first person account of the Mind Body Clinic from Crystal Lee, Student Health Promotion Graduate Assistant,….
It made me relaxed just reading about the Mind-Body Clinic! I definitely want to check out the Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction!
Thank you for telling us about your experience; I’ve personally never gone to Mind-Body-Clinic. However, I’m sure to check it out sometime this semester before finals to get my Zen on.