Currency= The information has been successfully published with no new updates or changes, but there are no new links.
Relevance= I feel comfortable using the information from this site to help with any topic research, there is plenty of data to help me understand and comprehend the right material at a level of my understanding. Audience seems to be more of the people supporting different political parties of government.
Authority= There are so many authors/publishers because of the multiple topics given, that there are so many URLS. Author’s are focusing on giving real data from government results.
Accuracy=Based on all results, there seems to be other sources where I can find almost similar information. There are no errors and evidence has been supported with sufficient data being given and with real data the info seems realistic.
Purpose= The information’s purpose is to give public opinions and facts about certain issues in all parts of the world that focus more on the political aspects of how to make clear results.
Currency= The information from this website have been posted every day of the year with info being updated all the time.Some of the information seems to be way out of topic compared to the other source.
Relevance= The audience seems to be the same as the other website given. sOme of the information is at an appropriate level. I would not feel very comfortable using this source in a paper because the data updates all the time with new results. There are totally better sources to use than this one.
Authority= The source is located in Pennsylvania with the author/publisher focusing on what Trump has been basically doing since his term of President but there seems to be old material about other political events going on. Some of the author’s “things” seems to be missing and not enough to provide.
Accuracy= The information comes from the University of Pennsylvania with not enough info being supported for evidence.
Purpose= The purpose of this info is to show how Trump handles governmental matters in his own hands with using mostly his own opinions and less facts. He seems to be using more of both political and personal biases because of how he does not treat all people equal.