Project #4 Blog

For Project number three, our group of five people developed a promotional video for Special Equestrians of Georgia. This local organization helps children in-need-of physical therapy due to body disabilities and etc.. To help promote a main informational video for Special Equestrians of Georgia, we orchestrated several procedures and several drafts to reach a final product for this project.

Before this project, none of the members in our group had heard of Special Equestrians of Georgia. That is why I believe that Skype Calling the head trainer, Ms.Stacey Edwards, was the perfect way to introduce the idea of what the organization is, what they do there, and the real meaning behind it.  Our class’s (and our individual group’s) exposure to the human emotion Stacey shared with us through the call gave us a clear eye-view for the message included in our video. Furthermore, I also believe that reviewing the organization’s previous outdated promotional video gave us inspiration to create a modern version with a similar message.

The message we expected to deliver in our video was by sharing Stacey’s story of her overall encounters with Special Equestrians of Georgia. As Dr. Cantrell said in class, people won’t really care about something if you show them facts, but they will care if you show them stories. It’s that emotional connection that drives people to do that/get their attention. To also jump on this emotional factor, we shot video footage of children riding during their therapeutic lessons alongside their trainers. When people see the children and their smiles, it will grab their attention, and, possibly, get the word out that the Equestrian location is looking for more trainers and will welcome other patient-riders as well. Additionally, we incorporate a quote or two from actual children that are currently seeking therapy at the organization. Our hope is that these captivating quotes will give a personal point-of-view from the children involved with the non-profit organization.

In our final project submission, their is laughter heard throughout the video. Our group hopes that the these sounds of joyful human interaction will ignite a joy in the viewers as well, or even make them say “aww”. The music for this video was chosen by our group to be very upbeat and cheerful. The font, as well, was chosen to display a soft/happy affect, as opposed to a boring and unappealing-to-the-eye kind of font. A unappealing font could result in the loss of a viewer’s attention to the video.

What really helped my group members and I complete this project was how easy it was to work with Ms. Stacey Edwards. When we asked her for input on ideas and images to include in the video, she was very straight-forward, which made our planning a whole lot easier. Not to mention, the kindness she shares with everyone and passion she has for the Special Equestrians of America is truly inspiring. It was very hard not to share that in our video (we did not say her name directly, but we shared several of her “messages”).

My group members and I are very happy with the way our video turned out in the final submission. The previous rough-draft submission, before our final submission, had a few technical difficulties, but we were able to overcome that hardship and strive for the video to succeed.