Unit 2 Assignment 1 Search/Metasearch

Search Terms: autism scholarly articles


Research Autism | Autism Resources | Autism Journals researchautism.net/autism/autism-resources/autism-journals Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders (Open in New Window) A leading peer-reviewed,scholarly periodical focusing on all aspects of autism spectrum disorders and related developmental disabilities.

CDC | Articles | Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) | NCBDDD www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/autism/articles.html “Many children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) are not being identified as early as they could be. Early identification is the most powerful tool we have right now to make a difference in the lives of children with ASD.”

Autism—what is it and where does it come from? | QJM: An … qjmed.oxfordjournals.org/content/95/5/263 by FJ O’Callaghan – ‎2002 – ‎Cited by 5 – ‎Related articlesMay 1, 2002 – Like epilepsy or cerebral palsy, autism is not a single disease but a …. In one infamous article in Time magazine he said that ‘children with early …

Autism Journals | Peer Reviewed | High Impact Articles List https://www.omicsgroup.org/journals/autism.php List of highly accessed peer reviewed openaccess articles in autism … The journal of Autism Open Access is one of the best open access journal of scholarly …

Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders – Springer link.springer.com/journal/10803… Autism and Developmental Disorders is the leading peer-reviewed, scholarly … Impact Factor 3.493; Available 1971 – 2017; Volumes 47; Issues 289; Articles …


Research Autism | Autism Resources | Autism Journals researchautism.net/autism/autism-resources/autism-journals List of some key scientific journals which publish peer-reviewed articles on … scholarly periodical focusing on all aspects of autism spectrum disorders and …

CDC | Articles | Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) | NCBDDD www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/autism/articles.html Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs) are a group of developmental disabilities that can cause significant social, communication and behavioral challenges.

Autism—what is it and where does it come from? | QJM: An … qjmed.oxfordjournals.org/content/95/5/263 May 1, 2002 … Like epilepsy or cerebral palsy, autism is not a single disease but a …. In one infamous article in Time magazine he said that ‘children with early …

Autism Journals | Peer Reviewed | High Impact Articles List www.omicsgroup.org/journals/autism.php List of highly accessed peer reviewed open access articles in autism … The journal of Autism Open Access is one of the best open access journal of scholarly …

Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders – Springer link.springer.com/journal/10803 … Autism and Developmental Disorders is the leading peer-reviewed, scholarly … Impact Factor 3.493; Available 1971 – 2017; Volumes 47; Issues 289; Articles …


ResearchAutism | Autism Resources | Autism Journals researchautism.net/autism/autism-resources/autism-journals List of some key scientific journals which publish peer-reviewed articles on autism compiled by Research Autism

Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders– incl … www.springer.com › Home › Psychology › Child & School Psychology The Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders is the leading peer-reviewed, scholarly periodical focusing on all aspects of autism spectrum disorders and related …

Autism Journals| Peer Reviewed | High Impact Articles List www.omicsgroup.org/journals/autism.php List of highly accessed peer reviewed open access articles in autism spectrum disorders, neural disorders. 2014 Journal rank, impact factors and indexing.

Academic Journals– Autism – LibGuides at Hofstra University libguides.hofstra.edu/c.php?g=323441&p=2169317 You may search for articles through Hofstra’s databases. Often there is a box that you can click to limit your results to just “peer reviewed” (scholarlyarticles. Authors: Amy Catalano About:Special education

Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders– Springer link.springer.com/journal/10803 The Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders is the leading peer-reviewed, scholarly periodical focusing on all aspects of autism spectrum disorders and related…


Autism—what is it and where does it come from? | QJM: An … qjmed.oxfordjournals.org/content/95/5/263 Kanner first described autism in children in 1943, … Autism—what is it and where does it come from? … Oxford Academic Books & Online Resources;

Research Autism | Autism Resources | Autism Journals researchautism.net/…utism-resources/autism-journals List of some key scientific journals which publish peer-reviewed articles on autism compiled by Research Autism

Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders – incl … www.springer.com/…&+school+psychology/journal/10803 The Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders is the leading peer-reviewed, scholarly periodical focusing on all aspects of autism spectrum disorders and related …

Autism Journals | Peer Reviewed | High Impact Articles List www.omicsgroup.org/journals/autism.php List of highly accessed peer reviewed open access articles in autism spectrum disorders, neural disorders. 2014 Journal rank, impact factors and indexing.

Academic Journals – Autism – LibGuides at Hofstra University libguides.hofstra.edu/c.php?g=323441&p=2169317 You may search for articles through Hofstra’s databases. Often there is a box that you can click to limit your results to just “peer reviewed” (scholarlyarticles.

webcrawler.com Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders – incl … www.springer.com/psychology/child+&+school+psychology/journal/10803
The Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders is the leading peer-reviewed, scholarly periodical focusing on all aspects of autism spectrum disorders and related …

Autism—what is it and where does it come from? | QJM: An … qjmed.oxfordjournals.org/content/95/5/263
Kanner first described autism in children in 1943, … Autism—what is it and where does it come from? … Oxford Academic Books & Online Resources;

Research Autism | Autism Resources | Autism Journals researchautism.net/autism/autism-resources/autism-journals List of some key scientific journals which publish peer-reviewed articles on autism compiled by Research Autism

Autism Journals | Peer Reviewed | High Impact Articles List www.omicsgroup.org/journals/autism.php
List of highly accessed peer reviewed open access articles in autism spectrum disorders, neural disorders. 2014 Journal rank, impact factors and indexing.

Academic Journals – Autism – LibGuides at Hofstra University
libguides.hofstra.edu/c.php?g=323441&p=2169317 You may search for articles through Hofstra’s databases. Often there is a box that you can click to limit your results to just “peer reviewed” (scholarlyarticles.


Research Autism | Autism Resources | Autism Journals researchautism.net/…utism-resources/autism-journals List of some key scientific journals which publish peer-reviewed articles on autism compiled by Research Autism

Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders – Springer link.springer.com/journal/10803 The Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders is the leading peer-reviewed, scholarly periodical focusing on all aspects of autism spectrum disorders and related …

Autism—what is it and where does it come from? | QJM: An … qjmed.oxfordjournals.org/content/95/5/263 Kanner first described autism in children in 1943, … Autism—what is it and where does it come from? … Oxford Academic Books & Online Resources;

Academic Journals – Autism – LibGuides at Hofstra University libguides.hofstra.edu/c.php?g=323441&p=2169317 You may search for articles through Hofstra’s databases. Often there is a box that you can click to limit your results to just “peer reviewed” (scholarlyarticles.

Autism Journals | Peer Reviewed | High Impact Articles List www.omicsgroup.org/journals/autism.php List of highly accessed peer reviewed open access articles in autism spectrum disorders, neural disorders. 2014 Journal rank, impact factors and indexing.

Comments: Basically, all six search engines produced similar/same results. The biggest difference is that the CDC articles were only included in the Google and the Yahoo results. I am a fan of our hometown Center for Disease Control and Prevention, and would prefer their content over Hofstra University (no reflection intended against Hofstra). I would avoid both Yahoo & Dogpile as they are fraught with advertising, with Yahoo in the lead for most unrelated content. If I am searching for scholarly articles about autism, do I really care that some guy stitched up a copy of the dress from “Beauty and the Beast” for a marriage proposal prop? Yahoo claims that nugget is “Autism Scholarly News.” Dogpile’s worst offense was all the ad content dispersed within and formatted to look like search results. I know all search engines have ad content. That is how they get paid. All I ask is that it is easily recognized as an advertisement and not results I intend to peruse. Google still gets my vote… until someone can tell me why they shouldn’t.


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