Unit 2 Planning For Success

Planning for Success

  1.  Think about why you are in school. This is your motivation. Want to earn more money? Learn a new skill? Become more proficient in  your job? Remind yourself! It will be easier to run the gamut if you keep your eyes on the prize. Attitude is everything. If you try to  convince yourself a class is too hard or not worth it, you are setting yourself up for failure and disappointment.
  2.  Establish a schedule and do your best to stick to it. Block times for study, including adequate time to complete lengthier or more  difficult assignments. Remember that life often interferes with best intentions. You can never plan for sickness or an accident, computer failures or an impromptu party. If your work is ahead of schedule, it allows for more flexibility.
  3.  Be kind to yourself. Get plenty of sleep, eat well and exercise to keep those brain cells in good working order! Reward yourself for a task completed or a job well done.
  4. If all else fails, review number 1. Remember why you are here.

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