Belinda’s Donation Project Book Desert Project

Children’s Literature Association Book Desert Project


Hello, my name is Belinda Delvasto.  I am a student at Georgia State University and have had the opportunity learn that there’s a lack of books and resources in our local schools.  Many schools with a high Latino or Black American demographic have see a lack in variety of literature.  This is why I am involved with the Children’s Literature Association Book Desert Project.


Goal Statement: 

To create an outreach though communities to bring in book donations.


How and where to donate:

There are a few ways to donate children’s books. One way is to donate directly to the school listed below.  Another is to compile books within your community and have them mail to school listed below.  

Middle School

Salem Middle School 

c/o Dr. Deborah Cooley

5333 Salem Road

Stonecrest, Ga.  30038

High School

Clarkston High School 

c/o Principal Pattie Lemelle

518 N. Indian Creek

Clarkston, Ga.  30021


What should you donate:

When donating books it’s important to consider the content of the books being donated.  A great suggestion is to consider donating book series.  You’re welcomed to donated any books, however, be mindful that religious books have reached capacity.


Book suggestions:

Series such as Harry Potter series, Percy Jackson series and James Patterson series. 

My Book Donations:

Donated Books:


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