Nate’s Book Deserts Donation Project

I choose to work on this project because I work in a Title One district I can definitely see the lack of resources and books in the libraries at the local schools.  While many have access to technology and reading resources on their phone, computers or Ipad, there is nothing like having a book in your hands and being able to use your imagination to create the image of what is going on in your head.  My goal for this project was to provide an elementary school with books from another area of interest of mine which is science.  Based on this I found 5 books on weather events, animals and the Ocean.  These books were directly donated to Jolly Elementary School in Clarkston, GA.  

I am asking for others to make an impact on this project as well by donating what you can.  Please follow this link to donate books to Jolly Elementary School.

By filling out this link I can keep a record of how many books I helped to get donated.  Thank you in advance for your donation.  

We must do better as communities and state ensuring that all students have the resources necessary to be successful in life.  Reading is fundamental and opens up so many possibilities for students to explore different cultures, worlds and expands their knowledge base exponentially.  I look forward to trying to create something similar in my school when I get hired. 

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