You Get What You Receive.

I am a first-year freshman at GSU. I am a Criminology major, minoring in Psychology. My societal issue focuses on the lack of respect between people of all ages. I believe that in our day and age, respect is not common anymore. Younger adults are made to feel like they are “required” to respect people older than them because they are older, older adults do not respect young adults because they view them as “children” and adults of the same age do not respect each other because they do not deem it necessary.  This is a phenomenon that I personally experience everyday working in the customer service world and would like to do away with it. While I do believe respect should be earned and not a forceful requirement, it should remain consistent across the board, regardless of age. I observed this issue at two places, Smoothie King and Student Center East on Georgia State’s Campus. 

We never really realize all the intricate situations and details that take place in a space until we take a moment to stop and observe that space. The purpose of observing spaces is to seek out the lack of respect between individuals. To observe a space means to observe the people inhabiting that space, being sure to pick up on things that any other person just merely walking by may not notice. When observing a space and taking it from your eyes to paper, you must use heavy vivid detail and imagery to paint a picture in your reader’s mind. Some may find this hard, others may find this easy.

Smoothie King Storefront
Courtesy of Smoothie King

*Beep, Beep, Beep* “Hi, welcome to Smoothie King,” the short, fair skinned barista said. A short, middle aged, smelling strongly of White Diamond and laced in pearls entered the cold building that smelled strongly of fruit while HOT FM radio played in the background but was drowned out by the sound of loud obnoxious blenders. No response. No smile. No smirk. Nothing. After she took some time to order, she stood at the end of the bar, awaiting her smoothie. “Here you go, have a good day!” exclaimed the barista. No response. The barista was treated with such rudeness because of her age. Smoothie King is a low wage job that is full of highschool workers that seemingly do not deserve the respect of their “elders.” As the next customer entered the store, “Hi welcome to Smoothie King” No response. The customer looked for another minute before she even made eye contact or spoke a word to the barista. When she did speak, she spoke in such a demeaning tone that it would have been better if she did not say a word. This lady was middle-aged, about 40-45, dressed in a pinstriped pantsuit topped off with black pumps. Her jet black hair was pulled into a seamless bun that accentuated her caramel skin. Her attitude however, threw all of that out of the window. She received her smoothie and straw and just like the customer before her,  just walked out. No thank you. No have a good day. Nothing. Not only are we expected to keep our composure and politeness at all times because we are working in a place of business, but we are also told to be polite and “respect our elders,” often times one may find themselves saying “yes ma’am” or “no sir” or “thank you” to a customer because it comes naturally. It is something that they have always been taught but on the flip side, they are human too. They too deserve the same respect that they offer to others, no matter their age. You must give respect to get respect. 

After spending nearly 2 hours in Smoothie King and evaluating the values and traditions of others, I started thinking about age difference. I realized that the lack of respect lies not only between young adult and adult but also between young adults. Today, a person is highly commended when they do something kind for someone else. Now not paying for a person’s meal or groceries. Just simple tasks like helping someone pick up something they dropped or even helping out a peer being bullied. While no good deed should go unnoticed, the fact that it’s even an issue, is an issue within itself. 

Students walking through Unity Plaza next to Student Center East
Courtesy of Georgia State

It was a Wednesday and anyone that attends Georgia State University knows that the outside of Student Center East turns into a mini mall on Wednesdays. Students passed by the different tents, inspecting the items they had to offer as they made their way to and from class. After a good 45 minutes it became obvious that lack of respect was not as prevalent between young adults as I thought. Then it happened. A young girl, a freshman or sophomore made her way through the Student Center, digging in her side bag for something when it slipped off her shoulder and all of its contents spilled out onto the ground in front of her. She quickly bent down to pick up her belongings scattered all over in front of her as people stepped over and around her.  It was not until a few students passed BY her that someone stopped and helped her. A young man dressed head to toe in black with his airpods in and hat turned back. He held her bag open as she placed her belongings back inside how she wanted them. You may be thinking, “how does this exhibit a lack of respect?” but, it exhibits it in every way possible. Noone respected that young lady enough to stop and offer her help. They all walked by and looked on as she embarrassingly bent down in a crowd full of people to collect herself.

Respect is something that should be earned before it is given. The idea that a “teenager” or “young adult” should respect someone older than them because of their age needs to be reformed. Teenagers and young adults are humans with feelings as well, when they are disrespected it affects them too. Adults and elders are not the only ones deserving of respect, they should give it as well. Degrading a person’s feelings and character because they are younger or inferior is absurd. At the same time, respect should exist among people of the same age as well. Whether it be young adult to young adult or adult to adult, it is all the same. Sometimes people tend to get so caught up in the fact that the person they are dealing with is the same age as them, or  so close to it that they become too comfortable and begin to treat them as lesser. Even something so simple as being on your phone while someone is talking to you exhibits a lack of respect. As stated before, respect should not be a forceful requirement but something that is earned and given at all times. It should never be contingent on age, relationship, or circumstance instead, it should be contingent on who the person is and their character.




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