Dear John Lewis, In reading the final pages of your book, I felt an immense feeling sadness. Your passion and perseverance showed through your decision to march even though the SNCC did not agree. You were beaten mercilessly and eventually joined by MLK. The entirety of your book, but this moment especially, taught me to […]
You Get What You Receive.
I am a first-year freshman at GSU. I am a Criminology major, minoring in Psychology. My societal issue focuses on the lack of respect between people of all ages. I believe that in our day and age, respect is not common anymore. Younger adults are made to feel like they are “required” to respect people […]
Will This Ever End?
Dear Mr. John Lewis, After reading my third set of pages in your book, there are no words to describe the amount of anger I feel. The topics that are addressed in this book are heavy and real but they still to anger every ounce of my being. I cannot seem to come to terms with […]
Give Respect to Get Respect.
*Beep, beep, beep* “Hi welcome in.” no response. The chaos in this space on Friday is of one that most would equate to New York City. As I race from one end of the store to the next, I cannot help myself but to think about how incredibly rude these customers can be. “There you […]
Racial Inequality. When will it end?
Dear Mr. Lewis, Once again, your powerful recollection of these events has blown me away. To say that I was astonished by the actions of law enforcement during this time, especially Sheriff Jim Clark, would be an understatement. At the same time, I could not help but to admire the perseverance that you and the […]
Racial Injustice.
Dear Mr. John Lewis, Before reading your book, “MARCH,” my knowledge of the Birmingham shooting was very minimal. I gathered only the basics of this significant historical event but never took the time to dig deeper until now. You see, I never questioned the intention of the shooting, just assumed that it was another part […]
Junie B. Jones and the Best Truck Ride Ever.
It was a summer afternoon, I can’t quite remember what state we were in but I was about 5, sitting high up in the passenger seat of my mom’s brand new navy blue Peterbilt, covered in dragonflies. The driver side door read “Monk” while the passenger side read “Fresh,” those symbolized by mom and step […]