THat Blog

Making the world a better place

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Architectural Exclusion Summary

Throughout history, people used different strategies to prohibit certain people from places they are not welcomed. For example, predominately white-owned businesses would post large signs outside their business saying, “No African-Americans allowed.” Legal scholars made it known that there are two… Continue Reading →

Academic Blog Conventions

Particular organization: continuously updating Comments to create a discussion Different categories Title/tagline takes a position about academic  Each post has a purpose, claim, and specific topic Lists Definitions Examples Visuals Focus Detail Awareness of rhetorical situation Academic Blog example:

Modes of Communication

There are different ways of communication such as linguistic, aural, visual, gestural, and spatial. In recent news, Colin Kaepernick  gestural form of communication was by taking a knee during the national anthem to support the social injustice this country is… Continue Reading →

Schindler’s Architectural Summary

”one might think it a simple aesthetic design decision to create a park bench that is divided into three individual seats with armrests separating those seats. Yet the bench may have been created this way to prevent people—often homeless people—from… Continue Reading →

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