Mitchell, Jonathan F. “Capital Punishment and The Courts.” Harvard Law Review 130.7 (2017): p.269-275. EBSCOhost. Web. 27 September 2017
In this article, Mitchell speaks on whether capital punishment truly deters crimes. Because capital punishment is such an opinionated topic, it is difficult to determine whether it is an ethical approach to delinquency. While some people may believe that capital punishment serves justice, others may oppose this point of view. Mitchell begins by expressing and showing the many questions and directions that this topic can lead to, philosophically and empirically. Mitchell explains how capital punishment creates a big risk for the government as they continue to use such measures for concluding cases. He also provides sources that can be referred to, to compare contrasting opinions and get information on cases that involve forms of capital punishment. This source will work great in my essay, as it gives me many ideas to choose from and discuss. The purpose of the article will be to provide examples and information on why capital punishment should be avoided or banned all together and what should be considered in a process as such.