by hbeezley | Mar 10, 2015 | Cool Tools
This Spring, GSU is piloting a VoiceThread integration with Brightspace. VoiceThread is a digital discussion tool that is more personable and engaging than a traditional threaded discussion. What makes VoiceThread special is the way that participants use voice and...
by hbeezley | Mar 9, 2015 | Pedagogy Bytes, Research
Students do a lot of studying, at least we hope, at Georgia State University. But how effective are their efforts? Unfortunately, students often exert themselves on study methods proven to be ineffective. But there are a number of approaches supported by a growing...
by hbeezley | Feb 4, 2015 | Interwebs
Do you have students who have trouble expressing themselves through writing? Do students ever struggle to keep up with course readings? Are group projects not working as well as you’d like? These common pedagogical problems plague many a college course. Here at...
by hbeezley | Jan 6, 2015 | #trending
It’s spring semester again. I don’t know about you, but for me spring brings to mind the return to vibrance as crepe myrtles, azaleas, camellias, and daffodils begin to bloom. Though spring may not truly be in the air just yet, this spring semester you...
by hbeezley | Jan 5, 2015 | #trending
Welcome back, faculty! It’s a new year and a new semester. Most likely you have a host of experiences and interactions planned for your students and you can’t wait to get started. The last thing you want to think about is the set up of your grade book....
by hbeezley | Dec 9, 2014 | At The CII, Top News
As the semester winds down, you may find yourself looking back at what you and your students achieved over the past few months. If so, I hope a number of you out there are thinking, “Wow, my students have created some amazing digital scholarship. I wish they...
by hbeezley | Dec 4, 2014 | #trending, Interwebs, Top News
If a moment ever comes along when I am teaching a class, and I require any old YouTube video to embed or link to as an example, my go-to is inevitably a video from my all-time favorite YouTube channel, Veritasium. Veritasium, an educational science video blog...
by hbeezley | Sep 2, 2014 | Cool Tools, Instructor Makerspace, The Exchange
At the Exchange, we have a number of tools that can help you to create truly exceptional eLearning content. I’d like to share one of the latest additions to our suite of tools, Dragon Naturally Speaking, and in particular talk about training Dragon. Dragon,...
by hbeezley | Sep 2, 2014 | Cool Tools, The Exchange
With the optimism and re-invigorated spirit that comes with the start of a brand new semester, it’s a great time to add tools to your toolkit that can make your faculty life easier and keep a spring in your step. If you’ve ever gotten a bit (or even a lot) behind on...
by hbeezley | Jun 4, 2014 | #trending, The Exchange
In the digital age, one of the most important skills is having the ability to find just the right information at the instant you need it. The problem is that when everyone is a knowledge producer and places their content online, there is simply an overabundance of...
by hbeezley | May 28, 2014 | #trending, Cool Tools, The Exchange
A topic that has been trending for a while now in education (think since 2010 – see below) is gamification. If you haven’t heard of gamification before, I’ll give you the Cliff’s Notes version. Gamification is the incorporation of gaming...
by hbeezley | May 20, 2014 | Cool Tools, The Exchange
Do you want to conduct an online meeting on the go? Blackboard Collaborate is Georgia State University’s online meeting platform. In a previous post we discussed how you can enhance your course with this useful collaboration tool by conducting online class...
by hbeezley | May 13, 2014 | Cool Tools, The Exchange
Our last two posts have narrowly focused on sharing apps that streamline grading in Desire2Learn: the Desire2Learn Assignment Grader app and the Turnitin app. In this post, we’d like to share an app that helps students stay organized and learn your content....
by hbeezley | May 10, 2014 | Cool Tools, The Exchange
I imagine a few of you caught our last post about the D2L Assignment Grader app, and the first question you had was, “Okay sounds neat-o, but does it also allow me to view originality reports and use QuickMark comments to evaluate student work offline?”...
by hbeezley | May 9, 2014 | Cool Tools, The Exchange
So it’s finals week, and your partner wants to drive 45 minutes to see a concert. You respond, “But, honey, I am swamped with grading. I have 150 essays that I need to score and provide feedback for in Desire2Learn by tomorrow. I can’t spend an...