So it’s finals week, and your partner wants to drive 45 minutes to see a concert. You respond, “But, honey, I am swamped with grading. I have 150 essays that I need to score and provide feedback for in Desire2Learn by tomorrow. I can’t spend an hour and a half in the car with no Wi-Fi when I have so much to do.” “No problem!” says your partner with a clever smile. “With the Desire2Learn Assignment Grader app for iOS, you can grade in the car while I drive.” And your partner saves the day, yet again.
If you haven’t heard of the Assignment Grader app, you may be missing out on a tremendous time-saving tool. The app makes it possible to grade Desire2Learn Dropbox assignments offline from any Apple mobile device, that way you can grade anywhere and anytime. So while waiting in line at the grocery store, you can steal a few minutes to grade an assignment. If your kid has soccer practice and you want to stick around to watch but also get work done, grade a few papers between proud looks and encouraging smiles. It’s easy to get started.
- Download the app from the app store.
- Then log in. You can log in two ways.
- Use your GSU account to log in to the Desire2Learn learning environment.
- Create an EduDentity to unlock additional features (unless you log in with the EduDentity, you can only annotate PDF assignments).
- Once you are logged in, you will see a list of all Dropbox assignments organized by course.
- Click the download icon (a downward arrow) to the left of a Dropbox assignment, and then head to the beach (or wherever you want to grade sans Wi-Fi).
- Assuming you waited for the assignments to download before you headed to the beach, once you are there you can start grading using all of the following tools:
- Enter scores and overall feedback (text feedback and/or audio recording).
- Complete rubrics.
- Draw circles and annotations with your finger.
- Enter notes with typed text.
- Underline, highlight, or strikethrough text.
- Once you are back in range of Wi-Fi, sync the graded assignments, and you are done.
If you are interested in learning more about the Assignment Grader app, check out the Desire2Learn Assignment Grader Help page or drop by the Exchange in Library South, Room 106. We can help you get started.