MOOCOW Teaching Online for Beginners
Presenters; Steve Gilbert and Beth Dailey and Others
Teaching Online for Beginners (TOL4B) is a Massive Open Online Course or Whatever (MOOCow) designed to help you, as a successful faculty member in higher education, begin to teach entirely online or include more online resources and activities in your courses. You care about your students and their learning. You are busy and will continue to be busy. By sampling available options, benefits and drawbacks to teaching online you will cross the starting line. You will experience and experiment with a variety of easy to learn, reliable, widely accessible and least expensive tools and resources and strategies related to creating social presence and building community online. You will realize teaching and learning online does not necessarily mean teaching and learning alone, does not require being overworked, giving up your best teaching or losing meaningful contact with students. It can be satisfying and fun.
The “Action” path through the MOOCOW is designed to help you achieve a variety of learning outcomes and ultimately produce a self-introductory video which will become part of a more complete introductory unit in an online course, as per rubric
You may also want to chose a Design It Yourself (DIY) path to meet your own learning goals.
For more information, or to register, go to the TLT website