by Will | Feb 4, 2014 | Interwebs, The Exchange
Welcome to the first installation of our series “Interwebs”, where we bring to you all the great links we find relating to technology and learning, novel solutions to terrible problems, and perhaps silly ephemera that may help you get through your day. Who...
by Will | Feb 4, 2014 | Cool Tools, The Exchange
Though the blizzard of Hothlanta, 2014, may have cancelled our online session for Cool Tools, it in no way dampers our love for this collaboration tool that we feel is an essential part of any online learning experience. We not only promote Yammer’s use, but we...
by Will | Feb 4, 2014 | Code Camp, The Exchange
Session two of Code Camp for Spring 2014 was another rousing success. There were a number of new faces coupled with plenty of returners discussing strategies for how to pass levels in Cargo-Bot. In this session we started our collective efforts on Codeacademy’s...
by hbeezley | Jan 31, 2014 | Instructor Makerspace, The Exchange
In our second ever Instructor Makerspace, we explored ways to bring down the cost of college while at the same time creating customized textbooks for your courses through the creation of eBooks. With so many important works in the public domain, you can easily...
by hbeezley | Jan 28, 2014 | Code Camp, The Exchange
Our first Code Camp meeting was a rousing success. Thank you to all who participated. We had a lot of fun meeting you, sharing coding solutions, and learning together! Here’s a recap, in case you missed it. To introduce ourselves to some of the foundational...
by Will | Jan 28, 2014 | #trending, The Exchange
Nadia Borissova, Assistant Director of GILEE, in the Andrew Young School of Policy Studies, sent along an app that may be of great use to you. Zamurai Mobile Whiteboard is a freemium iPad app, allowing basic functions for free with more extensive features for $6.99....