So You Want To Start a New Program!

So You Want To Start a New Program!

So you’ve decided to start a new program here at GSU. Congratulations – that’s super exciting! Except: You soon realize that starting a program is a multi-pronged process starring a smorgasbord of people, policies, contexts, concerns, and excitements. This is...
The Socratic Method

The Socratic Method

It was only a matter of time. Years back, WordLens showed the world a camera app that could be pointed towards any text & instantly translate it. Google bought it & includes it now in their Translate app. Then PhotoMath & MathPix entered the scene &...
Cool Tools: WallaMe

Cool Tools: WallaMe

Ok, so it’s time that we talked about Pokemon GO, right? Well, sorta. Although I’m a casual PG player myself I don’t have any scintillating insights on how to use that particular tool for education (yet!). However, there are a ton of other augmented reality apps...