Self-Service Pedagogical Problem-Solving

Do you have students who have trouble expressing themselves through writing? Do students ever struggle to keep up with course readings? Are group projects not working as well as you’d like? These common pedagogical problems plague many a college course. Here at...

This will revolutionize education

If a moment ever comes along when I am teaching a class, and I require any old YouTube video to embed or link to as an example, my go-to is inevitably a video from my all-time favorite YouTube channel, Veritasium.  Veritasium, an educational science video blog...
water, water everywhere….

water, water everywhere….

A common problem in the world of technology, not just among educators, is the overwhelming sense that there are too many tools. We are constantly bombarded with more options about how to create a presentation, how to edit your photos, how to format your text, how to...