Ensuring Transparency in Authentic Assessment Design

Ensuring Transparency in Authentic Assessment Design

Authentic assessment allows faculty to scaffold student learning in a course by tapping into a student’s prior knowledge of a subject and building upon that knowledge through real-world applications of the concepts and theories presented in a course. Beginning in...
The Joy of Breaking Things

The Joy of Breaking Things

I’d been thinking about the need for experimentation in learning. How might we design experiences where learners feel safe and motivated to explore? To disrupt habits and take risks?   Then my daughter’s daycare classroom closed due to a COVID-19 exposure,...
Arts Critique in the Time of Covid

Arts Critique in the Time of Covid

“Hulk Smash!” I thought to myself as I dominated critique after critique.  It was April of 2020, penultimate critique sessions for Advanced Animation, and after 9 years of teaching digital arts, I found myself reverting to teaching behaviors I had worked hard to...
The CETL Onion

The CETL Onion

Forrest Gump, the titular character of the beloved American film Forrest Gump, is known for saying “Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re gonna get.” I would argue, that life is much more like a box of onions. You don’t know what you’ve got...