CETLOE Stories

Welcome to the Center for Excellence in Teaching, Learning, and Online Education at Georgia State University. There’s no better place to start your exploration of teaching in the digital age! You can find monthly iCollege updates, course design suggestions, and faculty highlights. Interested in doing more with your course? Contact us so we can help you on your journey.

Welcome to Design Notes

Welcome to Design Notes! We’ll be using this space to highlight work and insights stemming from partnerships between faculty and CETLOE’s Learning Design team. These highlights will include program and course design work, engaging multimedia, research from our user...

Learning Technology Updates for April 2023

We're excited to announce multiple updates coming to iCollege to close out the Spring 2023 Semester! These include a completely redesigned iCollege homepage, based on student and instructor feedback, a new discussion creation and editing experience, and the ability to...

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CETLOE Address

Library South

100 Decatur Street, Atlanta, GA