Self-Service Pedagogical Problem-Solving

Do you have students who have trouble expressing themselves through writing? Do students ever struggle to keep up with course readings? Are group projects not working as well as you’d like? These common pedagogical problems plague many a college course. Here at...

Setting Up Your Grade Book for 2015

Welcome back, faculty!  It’s a new year and a new semester.  Most likely you have a host of experiences and interactions planned for your students and you can’t wait to get started.  The last thing you want to think about is the set up of your grade book....

This will revolutionize education

If a moment ever comes along when I am teaching a class, and I require any old YouTube video to embed or link to as an example, my go-to is inevitably a video from my all-time favorite YouTube channel, Veritasium.  Veritasium, an educational science video blog...

Taming the Looming Grading Beast

With the optimism and re-invigorated spirit that comes with the start of a brand new semester, it’s a great time to add tools to your toolkit that can make your faculty life easier and keep a spring in your step. If you’ve ever gotten a bit (or even a lot) behind on...

Gamification and D2L

A topic that has been trending for a while now in education (think since 2010 – see below) is gamification.  If you haven’t heard of gamification before, I’ll give you the Cliff’s Notes version.  Gamification is the incorporation of gaming...

Blackboard Collaborate Suite of Mobile Apps

Do you want to conduct an online meeting on the go?  Blackboard Collaborate is Georgia State University’s online meeting platform.  In a previous post we discussed how you can enhance your course with this useful collaboration tool by conducting online class...

The D2L Assignment Grader

So it’s finals week, and your partner wants to drive 45 minutes to see a concert.  You respond, “But, honey, I am swamped with grading.  I have 150 essays that I need to score and provide feedback for in Desire2Learn by tomorrow.  I can’t spend an...