Near Real Time Integration

We are excited to announce a “near real-time” enrollment process in iCollege!

Beginning Fall Semester 2022, iCollege enrollments will update multiple times a day, 7 days a week between 7:00 AM and 9:00 PM. Any changes to instructor assignments, student enrollments, and course creations in Banner or PAWS will automatically update in iCollege same day—meaning when a student enrolls into a course in the morning, the course will be available that same afternoon. This change will help prevent students falling behind in newly added courses during the drop-add period. Any enrollment changes made after 9:00 PM will be processed the following morning.


What If Something Isn’t Showing Up or I Need an Exception? 

 If an instructor needs access to a course prior to being added as the instructor of record in GoSolar, a department chair, or someone in a similar role, may request that we add this instructor to iCollege by submitting an iCollege Enrollment Request or emailing

Similarly if a student needs to be added to a course outside the bounds of these normal enrollment processes, instructors may enroll these students themselves via the classlist. Please note that any student enrollments that bypass the standard process may impact how our processes work for that specific student in that course—for example, if the student later drops the course after being added manually, they may not be removed automatically.