We are happy to share improvements and feature updates coming to iCollege on August 28th. See below for details, and contact help@gsu.edu if you encounter any problems or have any questions.

Quizzes – Quiz Builder

Starting August 28, the New Quiz Builder experience that was released in January 2020 becomes the only option for building quizzes. For more information on the Quiz Builder, please see our previous post about the Quiz Builder.

Quizzes – Student File Attachments

When creating a written response question in Quizzes or Surveys, instructors can now allow learners to upload files in their answers and include embedded images. Learners can also record audio or video responses when answering written response question types using the Insert Stuff option.

Please note that if a quiz uses Respondus Lockdown Browser, only the file attachment option will be available.

Image highlighting the Enable inserted images and attachments option in Written Response Quiz Questions.

Library Research Help

Students and Instructors now have an option for Library Research Help under the Course Tools menu in iCollege courses. This link provides access to either general Library Research help or information customized to your course’s needs. For more information, please contact your Research Librarian.

Kaltura – Include YouTube Videos in My Media

Instructors can now import YouTube videos into Kaltura using the “Add New” -> “YouTube” option. This option does not create a copy of the YouTube video; instead, it embeds the YouTube video into our campus Kaltura video player. This allows you to add captions to uncaptioned videos, and it allows you to add quiz questions to videos using Kaltura’s Interactive Video Quizzing. You can also view video analytics related to your courses.

Note that any captions included in the original YouTube video will not transfer to Kaltura, and the analytics you view will not reflect general YouTube usage – this data will be specific to the version of the video in your My Media library.

The Add New menu in Kaltura, including the new YouTube option.