As many courses have recently shifted to fully online instruction, some instructors noted that they had multiple identical online-only courses in iCollege and have asked that their courses be crosslisted. Crosslisting is a process that combines two more more sections in GoSolar/PAWS, and it creates a combined course in iCollege with an “XLS Group” designation. We recommend beginning this process before the start of semester or very soon after to avoid potential confusion and additional work.

What to know about crosslisting in iCollege:

  • If you are teaching multiple sections of the same course, you will first have to request that they be combined into a crosslisted course in GoSolar/PAWS in order to combine sections of the same course in iCollege. Contact your department course scheduler for more information on this process and if it is appropriate for your courses. Once your courses are combined in GoSolar/PAWS, your iCollege course will update–please note that it could take hours or days depending on when they are combined and when syncing is scheduled.
  • Your multiple iCollege classes will merge into ONE new, empty iCollege course. This new course will include the student enrollments from the multiple iCollege classes and will NOT have any content. For example, if you had course A and course B, they will be crosslisted in course C. In other words, course C = course A + course B.  
  • If you are combining courses with differing titles, such as courses that are taught across multiple programs/departments or courses that contain Honors and non-Honors sections, only one course title will appear in the new crosslisted version which may cause some confusion for students. In this situation, please notify students in the course via iCollege email or announcement and explain to them which courses are included in this crosslisted version.
  • The previous course A and course B may disappear from your iCollege account, BUT they still exist in the iCollege system. If you have lost access to the previous courses, you email and request to have one of your previous courses added back to your iCollege account to enable you to copy content in the new crosslisted course.
  • If student activity (surveys, quizzes, discussions) took place in the individual courses before a crosslisting action occurred, the activity will still exist in the previous courses. When you submit a request to to have your previous courses added back to your iCollege account, you can also indicate that you need access to the student activity. 

One exception to note: if one of the iCollege courses you are combining is already a crosslisted course, the students will transfer over to the crosslisted course and the content/activity from that course will remain. If you are combining multiple crosslisted courses, the students will transfer over to whichever course’s crosslist code is used in the combination process and the content/activity for that course will remain.

What to do:

  • Contact your departmental course scheduler if you’re interested in going through this process. They will be able to assist you with determining if this process is appropriate for your courses and to help with crosslisting in GoSolar/PAWS.
  • Review instructions for managing a crosslisted course.

Grade entry consideration:

  • At the end of the semester, you must do grade entry through  You will have to enter the grades for each course section separately in PAWS.  You may sort or export your crosslisted gradebook based off of section membership to assist you with grade entry.

CETL would like to thank Dr. Mindy Stombler for helping to put this information together!